Looking for an exciting game that combines the fun of tennis, badmitten and ping pong?. Try Pickleball, a game for all ages and abilities. It is easy to learn, and is growing in popularity in the U.S. and around the world, it has even become a Huntsman Senior Games event. There are several courts in the area and now KAYENTA has it’s very own TEMPORARY court at the old tennis court. Come to an organizational meeting where you can watch the game being played and try your hand if you wish. None of us are experts, so there is no reason to feel awkward about being a beginner. We will have extra paddles on hand. PICKLEBALL MEETING ON SATURDAY FEBUARY 4, 11 AM AT THE OLD TENNIS COURT.
THE MORE INTEREST WE HAVE, THE SOONER WE CAN RENOVATE THE COURTS. For more information contact Warren Dinter (801) 641-0204 warrend66@hotamil.com OR
Ron Spinelli (435) 656-3601 joyceronspinelli@hotmail.com.